we're hip. but we already knew that.
well, ladies. we just got told what we already knew. we live in the hippest part of saskatoon. nutana/broadway-area (helen, that's where WE live btw) got voted the best area of the city to live in by the people who live in saskatoon in the latest planet s magazine. so there you go.
aw. does that mean i am no longer hip?
Posted by
Robin M |
April 05, 2006 9:22 a.m.
pretty much! (:
Posted by
amelia |
April 06, 2006 8:16 a.m.
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Posted by
amelia |
April 06, 2006 8:17 a.m.
what?! that's where we live? you're sooooooo funny elke. and yes, we did already know that.
Posted by
eleni |
April 06, 2006 4:55 p.m.