the crazy cat lady?
whilst on my lunch break today, i looked out the patio doors and noticed a woman with wild, frizzy red hair (you would have cringed, helen) lurking around our back gate... i opened the door and asked amy (who was sitting on the back porch) if she could figure out what the woman was doing. neither of us had any idea. it looked like the woman had a leash in her hand, so i thought maybe she was just letting her dog do its business. (go to someone else's yard, thank you.)
several minutes later, the frizzy-haired, lurking woman was still there, hovering around our compost bin. she lingered quite a bit longer than i figured it would take to let a dog do its business, so i wondered: could she be rummaging for something? a few minutes after that, we discovered that what the woman had on a leash was, in fact, not a dog, but a cat. shorty thereafter, she disappeared from sight, and we still have yet to discover what they were up to back there.
several minutes later, the frizzy-haired, lurking woman was still there, hovering around our compost bin. she lingered quite a bit longer than i figured it would take to let a dog do its business, so i wondered: could she be rummaging for something? a few minutes after that, we discovered that what the woman had on a leash was, in fact, not a dog, but a cat. shorty thereafter, she disappeared from sight, and we still have yet to discover what they were up to back there.
have you ever heard her talk to ben over the fence?
Posted by
e |
October 28, 2005 2:21 p.m.
is that the same lady?! cuz yeah, i've heard someone do that a few times before. at first i thought it was maybe someone you knew, but apparently we say ben's name a lot, because how would she know it otherwise? eek.
Posted by
Robin M |
October 28, 2005 3:06 p.m.
i still think she was staking the place out. she comes into our house while we are away and dances around with our underwear on her head. the cat is just a cover.
Posted by
amelia |
October 28, 2005 3:17 p.m.